Just two evenings later I attended the "Rhapsody in Blue" dinner organized by the Lehigh County Democrats, an organization which my grandmother served in multiple capacities. My aunt has carried on my Mimi's legacy with the organization as both a member, officer, and candidate. We are so proud of my aunt for clinching the school board nomination as of Tuesday, May 17th, and can't wait to continue campaigning for her through November.
That weekend on Saturday my mom and I scoped out the Recycling, Electronics Drive featuring VIN Etching at Whitehall Public Works. VIN etching is an important part of auto theft prevention, a cause that has recently become important to our family due to four occurrences of auto theft affecting the vicinity of my mother's home. The VIN etching team is made up of Lehigh County Auto Theft Task Force members who work all hours as undercover investigators, so in order to protect the integrity of their work I don't have photos to share. HOWEVER, the Take Back the Streets Auto Theft Awareness & Prevention block party on my mom's block is upcoming on Saturday, June 11th, so I'll be sure to snap some photos at that event to share more about our progress with this cause.
I rounded out the week by attending EmPoWeReD Birth's presentation of Birth: A Play by Karen Brody. I was so moved by this experience as the play emphasized the importance of educating women and families about their birth options. Far too often I believe we are not properly or fully informed regarding decisions associated with childbirth, and far too often folks look at me like I have three heads when they realize I am researching my options even though I am not pregnant. My favorite retort is that I spent ten years longing for and researching my favorite car before I finally bought it, so why wouldn't I spend all this time learning about my options for what will be one of the most important days of my life? Needless to say, it was reassuring to be among an audience of like-minded individuals who respectfully consider each other's feelings and beliefs. Pictured with me here is the remarkable PRESIDENT of EmPoWeReD Birth, Mari Walsh Nebbaki, whose organization so lovingly and passionately enabled the production of the play.
Look next for a report from the KingSpry/Freund & Associates Spring Fling at the Crayola Factory in Easton, as well as some additional information about the aforementioned Take Back the Streets block party and this summer's Worthwhile Style fashion event.
Dream big!
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