Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Check it out ^^^^

I'm so excited because I was able to revise my banner image ^^up there^^, and while I struggled a little with getting rid of the automatic title and resulting line that the Blogger image gadget implements, I found a great "cheat" on this lovely lady's graphic design website.

It makes me so happy to see this update up there!  I especially love the quote I found from Apple CEO Tim Cook, "Let your joy be in your journey...", because as my transitional post indicated, it's been quite a busy, challenging journey in the past few years.  I cried--a lot.  I yelled--a lot.  I felt hopeless and weak--a lot.  But I also counted my blessings (the Happier app helped) and realized that these lows were dotted with some of the most joyful highs of my life--including my marriage to Ray and my resulting assumption of the role of bonus mom (aka stepmother) to Aubrey and Courtney.

Moving onward, we are looking forward to a busy yet fulfilling weekend with traveling to South Mountain for Lehigh football versus Bucknell on Saturday and the Blessing of the Animals followed by the Bethlehem Area CROP Hunger Walk with church on Sunday.  CROP stands for Communities Responding to Overcoming Poverty and the Hunger Walks are run by Church World Service.  You can donate on our team's behalf here if you wish to financially support the cause.  Otherwise, check out my Facebook this weekend for photos, and perhaps my next post will include some of my favorites from those snapshots.


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